It’s no secret that online advertisements could be extremely efficient. In fact, we would say they are obligatory for every business, which wants to boosts its sales and overall brand recognition. Since we have already talked about how Facebook Ads and search ads work, today we won’t focus on them. Besides there are other marketing channels no one pays attention to. However, that doesn’t make them less efficient but it does make them less competitive, which is in your advantage.
What are YouTube Bumper Ads?
We bet you’ve stumbled upon those 5-6-7 seconds long ads right before the video starts. Well, they are called bumper ads. Bumper ads are short, compelling and extremely powerful. Why? Their greatest advantage
Earlier this year, Foodpanda launched so annoying marketing campaign in Bulgaria, that the general public was infuriated. Some people on Facebook even staged a protest in front of their offices. Needless to say, the event on Facebook was swamped with negative comments. So was every social media post by Foodpanda. That was a perfect example of shamelessly aggressive marketing campaign, largely based on bumper ads.
Let’s jump back to our main topic. As we said, it will be difficult to become annoying in six seconds but that doesn’t mean your ads won’t feel like a pain. Keep in mind that bumper ads are not always about selling your product or service. Sometimes it’s enough just to get the attention of your customers. Our advice is to focus on sparking consumers’ interest on platforms such as YouTube. The simple rule is – don’t try to sell your product on places people visit just for fun.
The thing about bumper ads is – you can’t skip them. This solves your number 1 problem – attracting viewers’ attention. People will see your ad whether they like it or not. The greatest problem, however, is to present your product/service in a way that viewers understand. Your time is limited and this is the challenge your marketing team will have to face.
This is why it’s a good idea to use bumper ads as a part of a bigger marketing campaign. It might include longer YouTube-based video ads, as well as social media marketing and search engine marketing.
But let’s give an example. Let’s say you make craft beer and you’ve created some new tastes and flavors you want to present to your target audience. Your marketing campaign aims to inform your audience about your newest beers. You use every marketing channel you can think of – long blog posts where you talk about the production process (in an interesting and compelling way), videos on YouTube and other social media which describe your products in detail and so on. Your videos could be informative or sales videos or a combination of both. The goal of your bumper ads should be to remind the consumer that you’ve just launched a limited number of specially crafted beers.
What we are trying to say is, bumper ads are great for remarketing. Adjust your bumper ads settings so that only customers that have already seen your ads in other places are shown your YouTube bumper ads. This simple trick will improve your brand awareness and the next time someone’s in a mood for craft beer they will choose you.
In short, bumper ads are short, fun, and intriguing.
Google Shopping
Not familiar with Google Shopping? Don’t worry, we’ll explain it right now.
Have you noticed that when you search for certain products on Google you see them along with a price and a short description right from (on desktop) regular search results? Well, you’ve already seen Google Shopping in action. The world’s biggest search engine gives online retailers the opportunity to showcase their products directly in search results. We won’t hide it, this is a tremendous opportunity for any e-commerce business to expand its sales.
When we look for certain products, we type long tail keywords. When you are looking for a new smartphone you don’t just google “smartphone”. You are typing “cheap Huawei models 2020”. At this point some product suggestions will appear right above or next to regular search results. These are sponsored suggestions, online merchants have paid for. When you use Google Shopping you pay for clicks, not impressions. We have to note, that Google Shopping does not act as an online shop. When you click on Google Shopping results, you are automatically redirected to the merchant’s website.
It’s up to you to decide the amount you are ready to pay for a click. Google Shopping is connected to your Google AdWords and Google Merchant Center accounts. You just have to sync your accounts and carefully choose the keywords you are paying for. Before launching your Google Shopping campaign, make sure you familiarize yourself with your competition. The good news is – if you are already familiar with search engine optimization and Google AdWords you will have no troubles setting up and getting used to Google Shopping.
So what do you think? Isn’t it time you up your marketing strategies?