
5 Ways to Increase Facebook Engagement

Brands and marketers are constantly asking: how to get more Facebook engagement?

Facebook has changed its algorithm and this led to a decrease in organic traffic.

But is there anything we can do to solve this problem?

Let`s look at the numbers

The marketing tool BuzzSumo has analyzed 777 million Facebook posts to find the most engaging pages and brands for 2018. Here`s a quick overview of their key findings:

  • The most engaging type of Facebook post in 2018 is video. Video posts get at least 59% more engagement than other post types, according to BuzzSumo`s analysis.
  • Posts published between 9pm-11pm seem to perform best, as the analysis showed. But beware: every audience is different, so consider the daily routines of yours.

Pro Tip: Check the times when your competitors` posts get the most engagement. That will help you understand when people in your industry are on Facebook.

  • Keep your posts short. In particular, BuzzSumo found that posts no longer than 50 characters perform best. Grab the attention of your audience quickly and effectively. But again: this may vary in accordance with your specific audience and industry.

5 ways to boost Facebook engagement

  1. Teach, entertain, and/or inform

Audiences want useful and/or entertaining content. Make peopl laugh or helpt them learn something. This will make people like and share your posts

2. Get to know your audience

Define your buyer personas and deliver content that solves their problems and answers to their specific needs. Facebook Page Insights provides lots of useful information about your audience. Study it carefully and try to build a more meaningful connection with your audience. You can also conduct interviews and surveys to learn more about your buyer`s interests and needs

3. Use visuals (images and video)

According to statistics, Facebook posts that contain a photo see higher-than-average engagement rates. Take your own photos or use free stock photos` sites like Pixabay and Unsplash, among others.

As we mentioned earlier, the video is king, so do your best to incorporate it on your Facebook page. Live videos are also seeing high engagement rates.

Why not going live? Maybe you have something exciting to tell your audience.

4. Respond to fans

If someone takes time out of their busy days to comment on your posts, you should always reply. Instruct your team and make sure that all comments and messages are being replied in due time.

fans comments

5. Test and repeat

The statistics may say that video posts get the most engagement. But have in mind that every brand is different. Test and refine your social media stratedy to be successful in increasing engagement with your Facebook posts.

Have you tried out any of these tips? Did they work for you? Feel free to share your experience in the comments down below.

By: Yoana Hristova

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